Advanced Server Analysis

To take advantage of the Advanced Server Analysis, the Web Performance Server Monitoring Agent must be installed on your server. The agent will collect performance data from your server while a load test is running.


Most configuration of the server monitoring agent is performed through the Web Performance Load Tester controller. Generally, once  the server and controller have been started, an entry for the server will appear in the Servers View of Web Performance Load Tester.


The Server Monitor agent will collect extended metrics for Windows, Linux, and AIX servers with minimal configuration overhead.

Installing the Agent

To install the Server Monitoring Agent, first download a copy of the installer appropriate for the platform of the server from The installer should then be run on each server that will be monitored during the test. On Windows platforms, a GUI will lead the user through the installation process. For Unix systems, the installer will run on the command line. For example:


chmod +x ServerAgent_Linux_4.2.bin

Silent and Scripted Installations

The Server Agent can be installed silently by adding the argument "-i silent" to the command line. For example:


./ServerAgent_Linux_4.2.bin –i silent

This will install the server agent with default settings. Alternatively, the installation may be customized by creating a plain-text file named "", located in the same directory as the downloaded installer. This file may contain the lines:


If any of these lines are omitted, default settings will be used.

Upgrading the Agent

An older version of the agent software has already been installed on a server, then it may be upgraded by selecting the corresponding entry in the Servers View and using the "Upgrade" function.

Installing the License

As of version 4.2, it is no longer necessary to import any license onto the agent.

Running the Agent


By default, a folder named "Web Performance Server Monitor Agent" will be created in the Start menu. Selecting the option "Server Monitor Agent" will launch a console application while the agent is accepting and/or communicating with Load Tester™. Simply type "quit" at the console to terminate the agent.

Linux & AIX

By default, a shortcut named "Server_Monitor_Agent" will be installed in the user's home folder. This shortcut will start the Server Monitoring Agent. For example:


root> ./Server_Monitor_Agent


The agent will then run as a console application while the it is accepting and/or communicating with Load Tester™. Simply type "quit" at the console to terminate the agent.

Configuring the Agent

When the monitoring agent starts, it will identify itself on the network, allowing any running Load Tester™ controllers to automatically detect and configure the agent. Depending on your network configuration, the network broadcast may not be routed from the server to the controller. In this case, you will need to add the monitoring agent to the server list manually - using the Add... button in the Servers View. For more information, see the Basic Server Monitoring page - the procedures are similar.


Further Configuration

Once the controller has been able to successfully connect to an agent, the agent may be managed through the Servers View.

Viewing Collected Data

The data collected by the monitoring agent is automatically integrated into the test results.


In the Load Test Report, select the Servers section for charts and tables detailing the server performance as well as a performance checklist.


In the Metrics View, use the drop-down controls to select the server and the metrics will be presented in the table.


Running the Agent as a Background Process


This capability is available only on Linux at this time.


The agent is an interactive command-line application, but it can be made to run as a background process using 'screen'. For your convenience, a script has been created that will start the agent in the background in an automated way.


Starting the Server Monitor Automatically When a Server Boots


You can safely launch the agent from /etc/rc.local. To do this, simply add a line to /etc/rc.local as follows:




Where [USER] is the appropriate login credential. It is also possible to pass this command, for example, as a parameter to ssh:


$ ssh [USER] './Web_Performance_Server_Monitor_Agent/Start_Server_Monitor_In_Background'


Connecting to a Server Monitor Agent

If you have launched the agent as described above, it will be running inside a screen session named WPASA. In general, you can search for screen sessions using:


$ screen -ls


and connect specifically to the agent using:


$ screen -Dr WPASA